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Employment Support for Parents

Invest in Renfrewshire > Employment Support for Parents

Are you a parent who is unemployed and looking for work?

Or are you working but on a low income and still claiming benefits?

If you want to improve your income through work WE CAN HELP.

In Renfrewshire, we want to make sure that you as parents get all the help you need to move into work or progress when in work. Whether the barrier is childcare, concerns about coming off benefits or the costs of training or starting work, we can help!

For parents, just like you, we know that you can be better off in work, not just financially but in so many other ways too, including meeting new people, getting your identity back and also getting to spend quality time with the family. 

We have specialist advisers ready to help and support you now,

This support can include:

  • Welfare Advice to maximise Household Income
  • Help to build and improve your confidence
  • Gaining accredited training
  • Job search and support for you with interview skills, clothing and travel
  • Help with childcare, transport and a range of other support
  • We also offer financial help for first the few months to help you settle into your new job

What makes our service different is that we offer a holistic service, working with you and your family – working with a dedicated adviser means you don’t have to tell you story lots of times and the support is consistent. The service is structured to provide you ,as a parent, everything you need to find a job or a better job. If it doesn’t then please let us know what you need.

Access to the service is simple –

You can pop into the Russell Institute on Causeyside Street  and ask to speak to someone from the PES team or call 0300 300 1180  and ask to speak to someone from the PES  Team. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at

Our PES team work in communities and can take the service to you or groups of parents if that’s what required.  A call to the team to ask for this is all that is required.