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Event: The Spring Graduate Fair 2013

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Event: The Spring Graduate Fair 2013

Thousands of graduates around Glasgow will be attending this year’s Spring Graduate Fair which is taking place at the city centre Thistle Hotel on Wednesday 6th March 2013.

The Spring Graduate Fair organised by Glasgow University Careers Services in conjunction with AGCAS (The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) is one of the biggest Graduate Fairs in Scotland.

Last year’s fair was attended by 2,000 students with companies such as Google, TalentScotland Graduate Programme and Aldi Stores Limited also attending.

This year, our Renfrewshire Council Graduate Internship Programme will be taking a stand at the following event. Please come along and visit us to find out more about our internship opportunities. At this event, you can also register with us to be notified of any new upcoming internship and employment opportunities.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity! The event starts at 10am and finishes at 5pm on Wednesday 6th March 2013 and will take place at the Thistle Hotel, Cambridge Street, Glasgow, G2 3HN.