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Event: Social Media Workshops

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Event: Social Media Workshops

Business Gateway will be hosting four social media workshops at their offices in the Hillington Park Innovation Centre over 21st November and 5th December.  


Use Twitter in your Business

21/11/2012 – 9:30AM-12:30PM

10 million people in the UK use Twitter. 8 million of them use it on their phone or mobile device. Did you know that they’re talking about your products and servicces on Twitter? If not, it’s time to sit up and pay attention to one of the fastest moving and exciting social networks on the planet. Find out how to listen to what your customers are saying on Twitter, the social network that can’t be ignored. Come along and learn how Twitter is changing the world and why having a strategy to exploit its power is vital.



Writing Your Own Blog

21/11/2012 – 1:30PM-4:30PM

Google loves blogs. Why? Because a blog is a regularly updated website with lots of keyword-rich content. Businesses that have a blog get 55% more web traffic than those that don’t. B2C businesses with a blog report 88% more leads per month. If you don’t hae a strategy that includes a business blog you are missing out. Come along and find out how to boost your Search Engine Optimisation performance and have Google fall in love with your online presence via a business blog.



Embed YouTube in your Business

05/12/2012 – 9:30AM-12:30PM

YouTube has defined a generation and has changed the way the world interacts with videos forever. As a tool for promoting your business it is almost unsurpassed because Google owns it. If you care about your Search Engine Optimisation, you need to pay attention to YouTube. And if a picture paints a thousand words how much could you say about your business with YouTube videos? Come along and find out how to get a strong presence on Google via YouTube.



Use Facebook in your Business

05/12/2012 – 1:30PM-4:30PM

1 billion people can’t be wrong? With more users than any other social network, FaceBook cannot be ignored. Being able to interact and engage with your customers via FaceBook is a huge lure businesses, therefore ensuring you use FaceBook properly is essential. This interactive workshop will inform you about the pros and cons of FaceBook for businesses and why a strategy is so important.



For more information or to book a place on these courses call 0845 609 6611 .
