call us on 0300 300 1180

Get That Job

Help to find work

If your looking for work, we are here to help!

Invest in Renfrewshire has a team of advisors who can help you get ready for, find, and keep work. Our aim is to help you find the education, training or employment you are most suited to.

A personal advisor will meet one-to-one in order to help look for jobs.They will help work out which job would suit you best, and work with you to improve your chance of employment. We run a number of workshops to help boost your skills, and there are loads of different training opportunities available. Other support includes:

[qodef_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” icon_position=”left-from-title” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”qodef-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Our services” title_tag=”h3″ custom_icon=”8494″ title_color=”#ef8008″]
  • developing your CV
  • support with application forms
  • jobsearch and access to latest vacancies
  • Interview skills and practice with real employers
[qodef_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” icon_position=”left-from-title” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”qodef-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Additional Services” title_tag=”h3″ custom_icon=”8494″ title_color=”#ef8008″]
  • Access to services provided by our partners including financial advice
  • A range of programmes designed to boost your skills and confidence
[qodef_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” icon_position=”left-from-title” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”qodef-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Our pledge” title_tag=”h3″ custom_icon=”8494″ title_color=”#ef8008″ text=”We can help you find the career you want. We will:”]
  • Provide a named advisor for support 
  • Agree an action plan
  • Provide appropriate training
  • Source support from others
  • Help you find employment
  • Help you progress in the workplace
[qodef_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” icon_position=”left-from-title” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”qodef-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Contact us” title_tag=”h3″ custom_icon=”8494″ title_color=”#ef8008″]
  •  For more information contact our Employability Hub on 0300 300 1180