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School Leavers

Invest in Renfrewshire > Jobseekers > School Leavers


Renfrewshire Council is committed to supporting as many of our School Leavers as possible into a Positive Destination on leaving school.  This may include further or higher education, training or employment.

Invest in Renfrewshire has an Employability Adviser in post who can work with vulnerable pupils in their final 3-6 months of school.  Referrals are made directly by schools or the Children’s Services Department who have identified young people at risk of failing to make a positive transition from school.

Initial support is delivered in school but, where possible, pupils are encouraged to come into the Russell Institute.  Support may include CV preparation, interview preparation, job searching and building new skills including CSCS, Customer Service qualifications etc.


0-5% Employment Deprived Areas

Invest in Renfrewshire has a dedicated Employability Adviser working in the areas identified as part of SIMD as being the most employment deprived.  The Adviser has the flexibility to meet people in their own community and has built excellent links with various community and third sector organisations.

The Adviser delivers small groups to residents in their own community to build confidence and encourage progression towards work.  Group content is delivered to suit the needs of the participants on the programme with some being built around confidence and motivation and others focussing on intensive job searching.


16-19 Team

A small team of 3 Employability Advisers work with young people aged 16-19 years.  With a different employability offer available to them, these young people are supported to look at matching their skills to the opportunities available.  Intensive CV support is offered along with the opportunity to undertake vocational qualifications

The 16-19 run a regular job club and have developed a 6 week employability programme called Taking The Leap.  This programme builds confidence, motivation and basic employability skills.  All participants create a CV and undertake at least one Digital College qualification.  Young people undertaking this programme may be eligible for EMA depending on the number of hours of engagement and the financial circumstances in their home.