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Business Rates

Invest in Renfrewshire > Business Rates

Business rates (also called non-domestic rates) are a tax on non-domestic properties to help pay for local council services. They are based on the property and generally don’t reflect the turnover or profits of the business.

The amount of rates payable is related to the Rateable Value (RV) of the premises. The RV is determined in Renfrewshire by the Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board (RVJB).

[qodef_pricing_info title=”More Information” title_tag=”h3″ show_button=”yes” active=”no” button_text=”SAA website ↗️” link=”” price=”-” currency=”-” price_period=”-” description=”To view the rateable value of any commercial premises, go to the Assessor’s website”]
[qodef_pricing_info title=”Renfrewshire” title_tag=”h3″ show_button=”yes” active=”no” button_text=”Business Rates ↗️” link=”” price=”-” currency=”-” price_period=”-” description=”In Renfrewshire, business rates are billed and collected by Renfrewshire Council. Further information about how rates are calculated and different types of rates relief can be found on the Renfrewshire Council website. “]