You can reduce your business rates bill if you qualify for various forms of rates relief. Since the introduction of uniform Business Rate, the levying of the unoccupied rate (also referred to as empty rate) has become mandatory on all properties.
The main categories of rates relief are:
If your property is empty you will not have to pay business rates for the first 3 months. After these 3 months you will be entitled to 10% relief on your Rateable Value (RV). If the cumulative RV of all your business rates properties is more than £10,000 you will get 10% empty relief.
For industrial properties, listed buildings, properties in the hands of certain trustees, or properties with an RV of £1,700 or less, will get 100% relief.
If you would like to apply please download, print and return the Empty Property Relief Application Form (26.8 kb)
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If you would like any more information about this scheme please contact us.
Under the Fresh Start scheme, if a shop, office, hotel, pub or restaurant with an RV under £65,000 has been empty for 12 months or more, and is then occupied as the same, a 50% relief can be applied for 12 months if no other reduction is being made. Please note that from 1st April 2014 payday lenders are no longer eligible.
Fresh Start Application Form (148 kb)
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The New Start relief is offered to new build properties. The relief can only be granted for new properties built between 1st April 2013 and 31st March 2016. The relief is for a maximum of 18 months. This includes 3 months empty property relief.
New Start – Application Form RC (49.2 kb)
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Registered charities and amateur sports clubs can apply for up to 80% relief on any non-domestic property which is used wholly or mainly for that charity or club. If you qualify for this relief we may remove the remaining 20% of the bill by awarding discretionary relief.
Mandatory Relief Application (91.3 kb)
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Relief of up to 100% may be available for properties which are used by certain organisations which are not run for profit, for example, sports, theatre, arts, clubs and so on. It is possible for certain licensed clubs to receive discretionary relief.
Discretionary Relief application form (192kb)
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This scheme is now closed to new applicants. If you were previously accepted to this scheme it will be detailed on your business rates bill and you should pay accordingly.
You may be eligible for up to 100% relief if you provide residential accommodation for the care of people who are ill or if you provide training, welfare services or workshops for disabled people.
Disabled Relief application form (102 kb)
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From 1 April 2014, the Scottish Government will continue with the existing Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS). If you are already receiving SBBS your relief will automatically transfer into 2014/15. If you have not applied under the previous scheme you can call 0300 300 0202 (Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 4.45pm or Friday 8.45am to 3.55pm) to ask for an application form which you should fill in and send back. Properties with a rateable value up to including £10,000 may be entitled to 100% reduction in their business rates. Properties with a rateable value of between £10,001 and £12,000 will receive a 50% reduction and properties with a rateable value between £12,001 and £18,000 will receive a 25% reduction.
This will allow a business with two or more properties with a combined rateable value of under £35,000 to qualify for relief. The relief would be 25% for properties with an individual rateable value less than £18,000. If you would like to apply please download, print and return the Small Business Bonus Scheme application form. (156 kb)
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